April 25, 2011


Yippie another Fix-it-Friday! 
I look forward to these every week! And my weeks are pretty full right now and my illustration course deadline is looming! I will be posting my book cover options soon and would love some feed back!! Thats about a week away though!
Oh but let me get back to fun Fix-it-Friday!!

Here is the original image contributed by Dana Suggs Photography:

And here is my Fit:

Right and here is what I did! Firstly - I got carried away! I find this type of stuff way too much fun!
So first thing I did was convert it to DNG and play with exposure setting and clarity.
I then cropped the image and cloned out the leaf in the front of her shirt. I then fixed up her skin and tried to tone down the red nose. After this I did a selective focus to blur the background a bit more. Then I did a 'paint-the-moon' moonbeams action and played with the individual setting of that. I added a texture to the image after that and removed it from her skin. I sharpened her eyes next and also whitened her teeth and sharpened her hair. I then added a touch of sunshine and a vignette. And thats about it I think! Great fun!!

Thanks iheartfaces for another great Fit-it-Friday!


Janet Dibbydabby.com.au said...

Oh cassandra, that is beautiful, really lovely!
Mmmm I think I want to send you some photo's of me, I could do with a touch up :-)

amy said...

awww she is just adorable! love how you made her eyes pop :)