April 29, 2011


I cannot believe that Fit-it Friday is here again and I haven't posted a thing in between!!! 
Thats terrible!!
I have a good excuse though - I am overwhelmed with course work and working my bum off and I have my family over to visit which is always a treat as I have lived away from them most of my life so its a treat to have them here!!

Anyway let's get back to that cool thing called Fit-it-Friday!
This weeks image is contributed by photographer Andrea Riley.

I found this the most difficult so far and I decided to take a more artistic approach to the shot.


My fix: 

Number 1:

Number 2:

Number 1:  Firstly I cropped the image and cloned out the man in the foreground. I then played with the exposure and clarity settings in camera raw.
Then I added a cloud texture to the sky and removed it from the areas that it overlapped on.
I then used a b/w action in photoshop and removed the b/w white from the sections that I wanted using a mask. I then painted the kite using a vivid colour mask action.

For Number 2: I again cropped the image and cloned out the man in the foreground. I then added the sky texture again and removed it from the areas where it overlapped. 
Then I added a classic vintage photoshop action and played with the individual settings. After that I added a texture which I removed from the kite and the people. Then I added a bokeh effect while keeping the kite and the people in clear focus -  I did this is in order to draw attention to the important aspects in the photograph.

Well I think that is it! I do really hope that you enjoy it!!
Have a really great weekend everyone may it be filled with smiles!


Anonymous said...

Both of your edits look great! My favorite is the last one, I LOVE that effect!

theartofpuro said...

Great work!