March 16, 2011

Oooooooooh Garlic

I never thought I would be creating a blog post about garlic!! But I have been working on prints for my Etsy shop and got a little carried away with the garlic!! I now have around 60 photographs of garlic!! I do love garlic though!!! Not too sure where this love of food comes from cause I am an awful cook! Hope you all are having a fun creative week!!


sUdH said...

Garlic Tomato Pasta

I used to have and Italian friend in college who passed this recipe on, it is so easy and very garlicy (beware it causes garlic breath the next day)

1 can of whole tomatoes, drain the juice offf
1 bulb of galric
1/4c olive oil (or in a 6 inch pan, fill it 1 cm deep).

Peel garlic, cut of nubby ends. Heat oil, fry garlic until light brown. Then add the whole tomatoes and fry 5-10 minutes or until the tomatoes turn light pink. Then slice the tomatoes using a fork and knife (in pan), fry another 5 minute. Pour over spaghetti or penne.


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

How beautiful and tasty. I love garlic. I can get a truck load of it. This is wonderfully done. Great work.

Pencil Pocket said...

Beautiful photography. Roast garlic and camembert is yum too!

Janet said...

You have certianly done a lovely shot of garlic, I never would have thought it could look so pretty.