March 7, 2011

A new exciting Beginning!

Hi Everyone!!

I hope you have all had a really fantastic weekend!! I am SUPER excited! This weekend I opened up my Etsy shop! I have been dying to do this for ages but wanted to make sure that I had everything ready. I love Etsy and am very very excited to be part of such a great creative community! I would love to know what you all think of my shop!

Thanks everyone! I hope you have a very creative week!


theartofpuro said...

Congrats on your Etsy shop:)It looks great!

Janet said...

Congratulations on your new shop Cassandra, I have been in for a look and you have some beautiful photography in there. I hope it is a great success! Janet

Cassandra said...

Thank you so much ladies!!! I have so much stuff waiting to be listed - there just isn't enough hours in the day!! I hope you two are having a great week and thanks again for checking out my shop I really appreciate it!!!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Cassandra can you say,"BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME?!?!?!" I really think you are going to sell out very quickly so you are going to need lots more. It's wonderful. Great job!