March 27, 2011

'its all about the love'

I was thinking since it is Mother's day soon I would start my new personal project 
'its all about the love'.
I am hoping that a few of them will be good enough for my new Etsy shop. Unfortunately I still haven't had a sale on Etsy but my fingers and toes are crossed!!
If you have any spare time I would really really appreciate it if you would check out my shop and let me know what you think:
Thanks everyone and have a really really good week!!


Sissy Sparrows said...

Hi Cassandra.... your shop is gorgeous... and you have a gorgeous product, sometimes it takes awhile to get a sale under your belt. I think it took us a couple of months. Hang in there!

BTW your first heart pic is wonderful.

Cassandra said...

Ah thanks so much!! I woke up this morning and saw your message and you have started my day off on a great note!! Am feeling much more motivated now!!